Orders will be shipped Monday through Friday. You will receive an email with a reference number. With it you will be able to follow the status of your order once it leaves our warehouse.
If delivery cannot be made for reasons beyond the control of Per Purr Cosmetics and the transport company (such as absence at home, refusals at reception, among others) the order will be accepted for return and the amount paid will be refunded, minus the shipping and return costs, which will be borne by the customer.
If you live outside Europe and want to buy our products, please write to us at contact@perpurr.com to find the best solution and send you what you have asked us to the destination you indicate.
Shipping rates:
Community of Madrid – free shipping from € 35.00
Spain and Portugal Peninsula- free shipping from € 35,00
Canary Islands, Balearic Islands and rest of Europe – € 12,00 + VAT.
Delivery time:
2-5 working days within Spain and Portugal.
7 -10 working days rest of Europe
IMPORTANT! Please note that shipping costs do not include import costs that apply depending on the country of destination.